Fashionable & Fun LoCo Pouches are Here!!
Ready Set Sew

Perfect for on the go, without having to carry a large purse! Drop your ID, credti cards, and small personal items into this fashion forward pouch.

Created from designer quilted fabrics or repurposed logos. Wear the key wristlet on your arm for hands free travels!



Whether you are a newcomer to the area or a native Chattanoogan,
to your new sewing home at
Ready Set Sew! 

You never know in the course of a day what events will take place that can change your life forever. I found this out in my second year of college. My Mother bought a new sewing machine and seeing everything it could do inspired me to change my major from Accounting to Clothing and Textiles!

I discovered true happiness through inspiration of fabrics, sewing techniques, thread colors and more! My passion for textiles has taken me all over the country teaching others how to tap into their creative potential. It is so rewarding to be a part of the process that awakens the creativity in others. It is a sense of excitement like no other.

Without our customers, we would be just another sewing machine store, a bolt of fabric would just be a bolt of fabric. You are the magic that makes Ready Set Sew come to life! Thank You!



Baby Lock, Janome, & Juki – we have everything you need for the perfect sewing, room.


Classes & Events

We offer a variety of educational and totally fun classes and events to help you master your creative joy!



Whatever you need — we got it! Top of the line brands at the best price available on the market. Browse around!

Shop Online

Shop Online

Thousands of products available online including thread, fabric, notions, patterns, books and more. Click and enjoy!

Meet a Few Members of Our Team – We Appreciate YOU

Melanie Coakley, Ready Set Sew
Melanie Coakley
Steve Coakley, Ready Set Sew
Steve Coakley
Lauren Weatherford, Ready Set Sew
Lauren Weatherford

Store Location
Ready Set Sew
3444 Ringgold Road
Chattanooga, TN

Contact Us
Phone: (423) 629-6411
Fax: (423) 629-7611

Store Hours
Monday to Friday: 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Site built by The Buzz Butler